In 1887 was created the first archeological collection in Varna. Later, in 1906 a small display opened its doors and finally, in 1983 a new one, that spread on an area of 2 000 m2 came into being. They consisted of items, found mainly in Varna and Varna district.
The first floor reveals the mysteries of the Old historic and Ancient times. The oldest exhibits date back to the time of Paleolith (100 000 - 40 000 B.C) and Mesolith (10 000 - 8 000 B.C). Extremely interesting are the finds from Varna Chalcolythic Necropolis (5 000 - 3 000 B.C) with the oldest gold, ever polished by Man. More than 5.5 kg of gold jewellery, sceptres, amulets, as well as copper and stone tools, ceramics, etc. give idea of what the most ancient European civilization looked like long before those in Egypt and Messopotamia.
The emergence of the Thracians during the Bronze (3 000 - 1 200 B.C) and the Early-Iron age (1 200 - 600 B.C) is illustrated in ceramics, weapons and jewellery, worked out by those bellicose people. At the beginning of VII century A.D. the little Thracian settlement Odessos on the Black sea coast became an ancient Greek colony, and the town existed until the beginning of VII century A.D. Marvellous collections of old Greek and Roman ceramics, gold jewellery, marble reliefs and sculptures, inscriptions, mosaics, bronze utensils, coins, etc. acquaint people with the history and life of that great ancient commercial and cultural centre.

On the second floor one can see medieval Varna - from the establishment of the Bulgarian state (681) until XVIII century. Old Bulgarian utensils, weapons, tools, gold and silver jewellery, crosses, imported Chinese porcelain from Asia Minor, Italian maiolica, etc. are vividly displayed there. A collection of Bulgarian icons, dating back to XVI - XIX century, silver church utensils, floating lights and facings that you can see at the end of your tour, make your visit to the Archeological Museum an unforgettable experience.

Ivan Ivanov was born in 1944 in the village of Goliam Izvor, Teteven district. He graduated from History Department of Veliko Turnovo University St.St. Cyril and Methodius.
Since his graduation Ivan Ivanov has been working in Archeological Museum-Varna, first as a curator, later as a research associate.
He has undertaken serious exploration of today's Bulgarian land.
Since 1972 Mr Ivanov has been directing the research of Varna Halcolith Necropolis. He devoted many years to detailed underwater exploration of settlements, that had sunk years before in the lakes of Varna. He is interested in other sites as well.
More than 100 scientific and popular science articles of his have come out in Bulgaria and abroad.

Address: ARCHAEOLOGICAL MUSEUM 41 Maria-Louisa Blvd.

Telephones for contact: 237 057; Fax: 237 056

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Day off - Monday
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